Indoor Air Quality Investigations
Our philosophy is that all buildings must provide a healthy environment with minimal air contaminants for the occupants so that they can function efficiently. Our designs strive to provide a healthy indoor environment with good indoor air quality, enhanced acoustics and healthy lighting. Features include: choice of building materials and finishes that do not off-gas chemicals; cleaning equipment and products; and special ventilation and air filtration systems. People with environmental sensitivities such as respiratory illness (asthma), fibromyalgia, multiple chemical sensitivities, or those with compromised immune systems such as leukemia and cancer will find relief in our buildings.
Little Salmon / Carmacks First Nation, Yukon

Investigation of water problems and moulds

Detail: Poorly insulated walls cause frost, condensation and mould growth.

Investigate and remediate illegal drug operations
Assessment of a Court of Appeals of Alberta courthouse
The courthouse was closed in January 2001 due to air contaminants causing health symptoms. You can view full announcement here (PDF)

Details: Water leaks from soffit.

Detail: Air quality analysis