Work Porftolio
The following portfolio showcases Lee & de Ridder Architecture’s select building investigations and remediations:
Discovery Pointe Condominiums, Calgary

Discovery Pointe Condiminiums

Reliance on ineffective flashing and caulking (Discovery Pointe)
Legacy Condiminimums, Calgary

Detail: Efflorescene due to leaking soffitt.

Detail: No drip cap below this brick wall to the deck waterproofing membrance. (Legacy)
Sonoma Place Condominiums, Calgary

Detail: Installation of new cladding
Prince’s Island Estates Condominiums, Calgary

Detail: Water leak at balcony wall.

Detail: (left) Replace leaking roof (right) Water damage and mould growth on window

Detail: (left) Mouldy gypsum board behind insulation (right) Poor Interface between different materials.